Janine Messadié

«It was in September 2017 that I had the opportunity to meet Patrick Lacroix, Director of Virtual Job Fairs for the first time. Since that time, I have been doing business with Patrick, who is the technical director of our virtual job fair Solutionsemplois.ca. Not...

Guy Cote

«For us, exhibitors, being part of a virtual salon increases our business opportunities. This innovative concept allows visitors to interact online or to communicate with us by email or phone. In addition to our virtual kiosk, we can rely on a shared resource to write...

Vincent Dugré

«The creation of the Ground Transportation Cluster Virtual Trade fair has allowed our members to grow their web presence. The goal of the fair is to develop new markets helping members to generate business. The current results of the virtual fair have surpassed the...

Lisa Breau

«I wanted to thank you for all your work and support towards the June 2022 EVF! It was a great success and a great collaboration :)»

Genevieve Bilodeau

«For us, the show was a great success. Despite the first day that was quite a bit slower, we hired 8 candidates, mostly from Brazil. The quality of the candidates from this part of the world is excellent! It is guaranteed that if the event is offered again for a...